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The Best Diet Ever


Dr Dabrowska`s vegetable diet works always. The diet is based on the phenomenon of autophagy (2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine). What is about? The body`s way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.

On this vegetable diet human body deprived of carbohydrates, fats and proteins will after 2 weeks use all of it`s reserves and will has no choice: must turn on internal nutrition (endogenous). This includes absorbing the body`s own waste, deposits and inflammations. This is a huge `hoovering`with weight loss as a side effect. Doctor Dabrowska`s Diet is primarily fasting as opposed to dieting. For that reason it cannot be extended over 6 weeks, after which time, light food and then normal healthy nutrition must be slowly reintroduced.

Dr Dabrowska`s diet consist of 80 per cent raw food, 20 per cent cooked or steamed. All as salad, soups, juices or raw. No fruits allowed except lemon, grapefruit, berries and apple but in small amount. For the complete Dr Dabrowska`s list see below the photo.

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Doctor Dabrowska` vegetable diet especially recommended for:

Weakened immune system. Liver and kidney problems. Hashimoto`s disease. Rheumatoid diseases. Food intolerances. Often bacterial and fungal infection. Neurological problems. Lupus. Joints diseases. Muscles pain of unknown origin. Migraines. Hyperprolactynemia. Hypothyroidism. Infertility. Ovarian cysts. Miscarriages. Skin and eyes problems. Psoriasis and acne. Menstrual disorders.

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